Charting My Course

Working with professional service providers and small business owners who want to do a better job
marketing themselves and their services.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Do You Want Success (or just dream about it)?

John Maxwell said, "Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their abilities. They vary in their desires to reach their potential." How strong is your desire to succeed in whatever you are doing? Are you willing to do the hard work that most people aren't willing to do? This is what will set you apart from the crowd because most people will not do what it takes.

Most people are not willing to do what it takes to be successful in business or in life. Most people would rather make excuses. "Im too old. I shouldn't be doing this at my age." "My parents told me I would be a failure." "I don't have the money I need to start a business." Sound familiar? Get over it and stop whining. There is no easy road but there is a road. Set SMART goals, make a plan, execute the plan, see your dreams fulfilled. It really is that simple. Blow up your TV, start reading, start learning, and just do it. Expect success, not failure. Your thoughts will predict your future and what you get out of life.